Updated: 09 Mar 2021
Personal configuration file for Doom Emacs.
Me 🔗
You might know me, doom
does not.
(setq user-full-name "Jonas D. Großekathöfer"
user-mail-address "grszkthfr@outlook.com")
Font and appearance 🔗
I like to customize things. Here you can see how I did it for my editor of choice.
Font 🔗
means to use system default font for code, i.e. monospaced fonts, and
for variable pitch font.
(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "FiraCode" :size 18)
doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "sans" :size 14))
Color theme 🔗
Actually, the color palette which initially inspired my website design, coming originally from here.
(setq doom-theme 'doom-gruvbox)
Transparency 🔗
Not used at the moment.
(set-frame-parameter nil 'alpha 50)
Line numbers 🔗
Use relative line numbers, but disable them for text buffer.
(setq display-line-numbers-type 'relative)
(remove-hook! 'text-mode-hook
Spell checker 🔗
Default for the spell checker is english.
(setq ispell-dictionary "en")
Keybindings 🔗
Some modifications/additions to the given Keybindings.
Insert lines, without entering insert mode 🔗
New keybindings to insert a line below/above without entering insert mode,
because [ SPC
/ ] SPC
are hard to hard to reach for me on a German keyboard.
(map! :leader
;;; <leader> i --- insert
(:prefix-map ("i" . "insert")
:desc "Insert line above" "k" #'+evil/insert-newline-above
:desc "Insert line below" "j" #'+evil/insert-newline-below)
Increase and decrease font size 🔗
I prefer the +
to increase and =
to reset the font size. Default is the other
way round.
(map! :n "C-=" #'doom/reset-font-size
;; Buffer-local font resizing
:n "C-+" #'text-scale-increase
:n "C--" #'text-scale-decrease)
Avy 🔗
Navigating through emacs, across buffer.
(setq avy-all-windows t)
Workspace 🔗
Overwrite keybinding to quickly switch between workspaces by double TAB
(map! :leader
(:when (featurep! :ui workspaces)
(:prefix-map ("TAB" . "workspace")
:desc "Switch to last workspace" "TAB" #'+workspace/other)))
Orgmode 🔗
Orgmode is at the moment my preferred tool to store notes and TODOs and organize my work in general.
General 🔗
This is the root of all evil, well organization.
Paths 🔗
(setq org-directory "~/org/"
org-agenda-files (list
;; "~/org/zettelkasten/"
org-archive-location (concat org-directory ".archive/%s::"))
Style 🔗
Styling of the appearance of my org buffer to please my liking.
First, define visual appearance for an org buffer.
(defun gkh/org-mode-visual()
(setq visual-fill-column-width 100
visual-fill-column-center-text t
display-fill-column-indicator nil
display-line-numbers nil)
(visual-fill-column-mode 1))
Change symbol for folded headings and start with an overview of all headings when opening an org file.
(after! org
(setq org-startup-folded 'overview
org-ellipsis " ▾ "
org-list-demote-modify-bullet '(("+" . "-") ("-" . "+"))))
(add-hook! 'org-mode-hook
#'+org-pretty-mode #'mixed-pitch-mode #'gkh/org-mode-visual)
Font settings: Use different font sizes for headlines and define sections for a fixed-pitch font.
(after! org
'(org-document-title :height 1.3)
'(org-level-1 :inherit outline-1 :weight extra-bold :height 1.4)
'(org-level-2 :inherit outline-2 :weight bold :height 1.15)
'(org-level-3 :inherit outline-3 :weight bold :height 1.12)
'(org-level-4 :inherit outline-4 :weight bold :height 1.09)
'(org-level-5 :inherit outline-5 :weight semi-bold :height 1.06)
'(org-level-6 :inherit outline-6 :weight semi-bold :height 1.03)
'(org-level-7 :inherit outline-7 :weight semi-bold)
'(org-level-8 :inherit outline-8 :weight semi-bold)
;; Ensure that anything that should be fixed-pitch in org buffers appears that
;; way
'(org-block nil :foreground nil :inherit 'fixed-pitch)
'(org-code nil :inherit '(shadow fixed-pitch))
'(org-table nil :inherit '(shadow fixed-pitch))
'(org-verbatim nil :inherit '(shadow fixed-pitch))
'(org-special-keyword nil :inherit '(font-lock-comment-face fixed-pitch))
'(org-meta-line nil :inherit '(font-lock-comment-face fixed-pitch))
'(org-checkbox nil :inherit 'fixed-pitch)))
Timing is everything 🔗
This is a not very sophisticated way of handling TODOs.
(after! org
(setq org-log-done 'time
org-log-into-drawer 't
org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAITING(w@)" "|" "DONE(d!)" "CANCELLED(c@)"))
'(("TODO" :foreground "#7c7c75" :weight normal :underline t)
("WAITING" :foreground "#9f7efe" :weight normal :underline t)
("DONE" :foreground "#50a14f" :weight normal :underline t)
("CANCELLED" :foreground "#ff6480" :weight normal :underline t))))
Export 🔗
Writing a book?
;; (use-package! ox-leanpub
;; :after org)
Capture 🔗
From the documentation for capture1:
Capture lets you quickly store notes with little interruption of your work flow.
How does it do it?
It opens a mini-buffer (or so) where you can enter your note or to do entry.
Depending on what template you choose this note will be added to a certain .org
file to a certain heading (if wanted).
personal templates 🔗
My templates let me control to which file/heading a to do note goes. Below I have 3 types of notes:
- t for general or not-easy to sort notes
- p for projects I am currently working on, it opens a menu for further
- m for my meta analysis
- j for Julius master thesis
- v for vrrl study
- b for the browser extension, to capture
- l links to websites
- q quotes from websites
For my templates to work I require
these packages. I don’t know why, but I am
happy when it works.
(require 'org-protocol)
(require 'org-capture)
Here are the above mentioned templates specified.
(setq org-capture-templates
("t" "todo" entry (file "~/org/todo.org")
"* TODO %?")
("p" "projekte")
("pm" "Meta-Analyse Gaze cueing" entry (file+headline "~/org/projects.org" "ma_gazecueing" )
"** TODO %?")
("pj" "Julius Masterarbeit" entry (file+headline "~/org/projects.org" "Lab-intern Meta-Analysis (Julius)" )
"** TODO %?\n")
("pv" "vrrl" entry (file+headline "~/org/projects.org" "vrrl" )
"** TODO %?")
("l" "lehre (ss20)" entry (file+headline "~/org/zettelkasten/ss20empra.org" "orga" )
"** TODO %?")
;; browser extension
("b" "browser extension")
("bq" "with quote" entry (file "~/org/todo.org")
"* %^{Title}\nSource: %u, %c\n #+BEGIN_QUOTE\n%i\n#+END_QUOTE\n\n\n%?")
("bl" "only link" entry (file "~/org/todo.org")
"* %? [[%:link][%:description]] :web:\nCaptured On: %U")))
Org-Roam 🔗
There is a lot of momentum around roam and note taking in general, and therefore although for org-roam. This is my basic configuration. For an general introduction I would start at org-roams documentation.
Although I am not yet a 100% sold, this is my configuration, taken unchanged from the docs.
(setq org-roam-directory (concat org-directory "zettelkasten/"))
For further reading and inspiration one can have a look here.
Browser extensions 🔗
See org-roam protocol how to setup your os and browser for the communication between org-roam and your browser.
Markdown 🔗
(defun gkh/md-mode-visual()
(setq visual-fill-column-width 100
visual-fill-column-center-text t
display-fill-column-indicator nil
markdown-header-scaling t
display-line-numbers nil)
(visual-fill-column-mode 1))
Change symbol for folded headings and start with an overview of all headings when opening an org file.
(add-hook! 'markdown-mode-hook #'gkh/md-mode-visual)
Bibliography 🔗
org-ref 🔗
org-ref provides rich support and information for citations in orgmode. Not needed at the moment + some trouble with initiation, therefore not active.
(use-package! org-ref
(setq org-ref-completion-library 'org-ref-ivy-cite
org-ref-get-pdf-filename-function 'org-ref-get-pdf-filename-ivy-bibtex
org-ref-default-bibliography (list "~/meine-bibliothek/meine-bibliothek.bib")
org-ref-bibliography-notes (concat org-directory "meine-bibliothek.org")
;; org-ref-note-title-format (concat
;; "${title}\n"
;; "#+ROAM_KEY: cite:${=key=}\n"
;; "#+ROAM_ALIAS: ${=key=} cite:${=key=}\n"
;; ;; does not work, tags with spaces need "x"
;; ;; "#+ROAM_TAGS: ${keywords}\n"
;; "* Notes\n"
;; ":Custom_ID: ${=key=}\n"
;; ":NOTER_DOCUMENT: %(orb-process-file-field \"${=key=}\")\n"
;; ":AUTHOR: ${author-abbrev}\n"
;; ":JOURNAL: ${journaltitle}\n"
;; ":DATE: ${date}\n"
;; ":YEAR: ${year}\n"
;; ":DOI: ${doi}\n"
;; ":URL: ${url}\n"
;; ":END:\n\n")
org-ref-notes-directory (concat org-directory "zettelkasten/")
org-ref-notes-function 'orb-edit-notes
ivy-bibtex 🔗
The package of my choice (don’t ask why I choose ivy over helm 🤷). I got some headaches from the fact that you actually find ivy-bibtex in the helm-bibtex repository.
To configure it, tell Emacs where the .bib-files are and where the according pdf-files can be found.
(setq bibtex-completion-bibliography "~/meine-bibliothek/meine-bibliothek.bib"
bibtex-completion-library-path "~/meine-bibliothek/"
bibtex-completion-notes-path (concat org-directory "zettelkasten/")
"#+ROAM_KEY: cite:${=key=}\n"
"#+ROAM_ALIAS: ${=key=} cite:${=key=}\n"
;; does not work, tags with spaces need "x"
;; "#+ROAM_TAGS: ${keywords}\n"
"* Notes\n"
":Custom_ID: ${=key=}\n"
":NOTER_DOCUMENT: %(orb-process-file-field \"${=key=}\")\n"
":AUTHOR: ${author-abbrev}\n"
":JOURNAL: ${journaltitle}\n"
":DATE: ${date}\n"
":YEAR: ${year}\n"
":DOI: ${doi}\n"
":URL: ${url}\n"
'((org-mode . bibtex-completion-format-citation-org-link-to-PDF)
(latex-mode . bibtex-completion-format-citation-cite)
(markdown-mode . bibtex-completion-format-citation-pandoc-citeproc)
(default . bibtex-completion-format-citation-default)
ivy-bibtex-default-action 'ivy-bibtex-insert-citation
bibtex-completion-cite-prompt-for-optional-arguments nil)
To see additional actions press M-o
or C-o
. Both is supposed2 to
be a super handy ivy-thing to pop-up further options, such as open in other
windows and useful stuff!
After opening ivy-action with C-o
some options (highlighted) are given, but
further options are possible but not shown. For now, I am not sure how to
fix/improve this.
Key | What |
b | Insert BibTex entry |
a | Attach PDF to email |
e | Edit notes |
s | Show entry |
l | Add PDF to library |
f | Fallback options |
b | Open the citation to the bibtex entry |
u | Open the citation URL |
p | Open the citation PDF (if it exists) |
n | Open the citation notes |
c | Open Web of Science citing articles |
e | Email the bibtex entry and pdf |
f | Copy a formatted entry string |
g | Open Google Scholar |
w | Copy the key at point |
y | Paste the key in an existing link |
Hydra for ivy 🔗
Hydras for ivy are invoked with M-o
. This section requires some more work to
actually do what I want it to do.
(defun gkh-bibtex-completion-open-pdf-external (keys &optional fallback-action)
(let ((bibtex-completion-pdf-open-function
(lambda (fpath) (start-process "evince" "*helm-bibtex-evince*" "/usr/bin/evince" fpath))))
(bibtex-completion-open-pdf keys fallback-action)))
;; throws error on startup
;; (ivy-bibtex-ivify-action gkh-bibtex-completion-open-pdf-external ivy-bibtex-open-pdf-external)
;; (ivy-add-actions
;; 'ivy-bibtex
;; '(
;; ("P" ivy-bibtex-open-pdf-external "Open PDF file in external viewer (if present)")
;; )
;; )
Choose from:
What | How |
Open PDF, URL or DOI | ivy-bibtex-completion-open-any |
Open PDF file (if present) | ivy-bibtex-completion-open-pdf |
Open URL or DOI in browser | ivy-bibtex-completion-open-url-or-doi |
Insert citation | ivy-bibtex-completion-insert-citation |
Insert reference | ivy-bibtex-completion-insert-reference |
Insert BibTeX key | ivy-bibtex-completion-insert-key |
Insert BibTeX entry | ivy-bibtex-completion-insert-bibtex |
Attach PDF to email | ivy-bibtex-completion-add-PDF-attachment |
Edit notes | ivy-bibtex-completion-edit-notes |
Show entry | ivy-bibtex-completion-show-entry |
Add PDF to library | ivy-bibtex-completion-add-pdf-to-library |
org-roam-bibtex 🔗
This configures a nice integration of BibTex notes with an org-roam workflow.
(use-package! org-roam-bibtex
:after (org-roam)
:hook (org-roam-mode . org-roam-bibtex-mode)
(setq org-roam-bibtex-preformat-keywords
'("=key=" "title" "url" "file" "author-or-editor" "keywords"))
(setq orb-templates
'(("r" "ref" plain (function org-roam-capture--get-point)
:file-name "${slug}"
:head "#+TITLE: ${=key=}: ${title}\n#+ROAM_KEY: ${ref}
- tags ::
- keywords :: ${keywords}
\n* ${title}\n :PROPERTIES:\n :Custom_ID: ${=key=}\n :URL: ${url}\n :AUTHOR: ${author-or-editor}\n :NOTER_DOCUMENT: %(orb-process-file-field \"${=key=}\")\n :NOTER_PAGE: \n :END:\n\n"
:unnarrowed t))))
R 🔗
If you do statistics with emacs you need ESS, which (also) has a mode for R.
Together with polymode
, this is how I want my editor to handle and ease my work
with .R scripts and .RMD files.
- Map nice and easy keybindings for assignment arrow
- get a function for the pipe
working & map nice keybindings
R 🔗
(after! ess-mode
(setq ess-style 'C++
;; don't wait when evaluating
ess-eval-visibly-p 'nowait
;; scroll buffer to bottom
comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-output t)
;; Open ESS R window to the left iso bottom.
;; (set-popup-rule! "^\\*R.*\\*$" :side 'left :size 0.38 :select nil :ttl nil :quit nil :modeline t)
I found a code snippet online. Not sure how I like it.
(defun gkh-r-add-pipe () (interactive) (end-of-line) (unless (looking-back "%>%" nil) (just-one-space 1) (insert "%>%")) (newline-and-indent))
Rmarkdown snippet
And also found this snippet online.
(defun gkh-rmd-insert-r-chunk (header) "Insert an r-chunk in markdown mode. Necessary due to interactions between polymode and yas snippet" (interactive "sHeader: ") (insert (concat "```{r " header "}\n\n```")) (forward-line -1))
Julia 🔗
(setq lsp-julia-default-environment "~/.julia/environments/v1.0")
In german .csv
-files often =,=
is reserved as a decimal separator (as in 3,14),
consequently we need another column separator ;
But now it splits the .csv
-file at both separators. This is not helpful at all!
;; (setq csv-separators '("," " " ";")))
Polymode 🔗
handles multiple modes in emacs. I need it to ease my work with
files, using markdown mode together with ESS. However, it does not
give me a nice time, so I prefer using org babel within emacs and fallback to
Rstudio regularly. I suspect, there are problem with the syntax checker…
Again I found this code-snippet, but I mainly keep it just in case to have it as a reference.
;; ;; Load
;; (use-package! poly-R
;; :config
;; (map! (:localleader
;; :map polymode-mode-map
;; :desc "Export" "e" 'polymode-export
;; :desc "Errors" "$" 'polymode-show-process-buffer
;; :desc "Weave" "w" 'polymode-weave
;; ;; (:prefix ("n" . "Navigation")
;; ;; :desc "Next" "n" . 'polymode-next-chunk
;; ;; :desc "Previous" "N" . 'polymode-previous-chunk)
;; ;; (:prefix ("c" . "Chunks")
;; ;; :desc "Narrow" "n" . 'polymode-toggle-chunk-narrowing
;; ;; :desc "Kill" "k" . 'polymode-kill-chunk
;; ;; :desc "Mark-Extend" "m" . 'polymode-mark-or-extend-chunk)
;; ))
;; )
Normally, I expected all options to be shown and then pick by key. However, ivy-hydra let’s you scroll through additional options with
. ↩︎